Andreas Aristidou
Post-Doc Researcher
Graphics Virtual Reality Lab, University of Cyprus
Efi Arazi School of Computer Science, The Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya
Motion Capture, Motion Synthesis and Analysis, Animations, Inverse Kinematics, Geometric Algebra
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Dr Andreas Aristidou is a Post-Doc researcher at the Graphics Virtual Reality Lab, University of Cyprus, and the Efi Arazi School of Computer Science, The Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya (Israel). He had been a Cambridge European Trust fellow, at the Signal Processing and Communications Laboratory, University of Cambridge, where he obtained his PhD (2011). Andreas has a BSc in Informatics and Telecommunications from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (2005) and he is an honour graduate of Kings College London (2006), where he obtained his MSc degree in Mobile and Personal Communications (2006).
His main research interests are focused on 3D motion analysis and classification, motion synthesis, human animation, and involve motion capture, inverse kinematics, and applications of conformal geometric algebra in graphics. Andreas is on the editorial board of The Visual Computer (TVC) journal, and serves as an Associate Editor. He participated in a number of EU funded projects, serving as Deputy Manager of the ITN-DCH (Initial Training Network for Digital Cultural Heritage) at the Digital Heritage Research Lab, Cyprus University of Technology, and Principal Investigator of the Vi.Da.Pe (Visual Dance Performance for Interactive Characters), SCHEDAR (Safeguarding the Cultural HEritage of Dance through Augmented Reality), and SIM.POL.VR (Virtual Reality Police Simulator) projects, at the Graphics Virtual Reality Lab, University of Cyprus. He collaborates with EU creative industries to design innovative algorithm for motion synthesis and character retargeting. Finally, he is the co-author of the FABRIK Inverse Kinematics solver that been integrated in all major game engines (e.g., Unity, Panda, and Unreal engines), and published in open-source libraries, such as CALIKO.